Joe Mehler

Joe started his career in the mid 80's testing what was then a new technology for transporting voice between central offices - Fiber. Joe helped connect telecommunications companies across the U.S., he helped install and test both Microwave Radio and Fiber Optic systems for all types of Telco's. He spent many years in the field and moved into engineering, design, project management and sales engineering management, having learned to listen to customers and design networks that solved their needs. Today Joe does a lot of the same but on the services side, helping businesses find the best provider who can help a clients network connect and interface with a provider who can fit their solution and the required budget.  He enjoys spending time at home with his family, traveling and enjoys a good game of Cornhole with friends.

Dawn Mehler

Dawn started her career in Canada with Revenue Canada, moved to Sr. positions at companies moved to the states supporting a telecommunications manufacturer, raised our family and works with different clients helping them navigate their accounting needs.